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The number of Adeo classes aligns with the time requirements set by the Archdiocese of New York.

  • Students should make every effort to attend each class;

  • If a student is sick or has a serious conflict, the parent should notify the teacher and the Adeo Office as soon as possible; and

  • The missed class should be rescheduled in collaboration with the teacher.

If there are excessive absences, Adeo may determine that the grade should be repeated as the Archdiocese requires Adeo to submit a class attendance form for each child.



  • Respect rules of the host family: We ask that students and parents be courteous (e.g., taking off shoes if required, staying in the space designated for class, eating snack in a tidy manner and before class).

  • Punctuality: Most of our classes are hosted in homes of volunteer parents. It is essential that students are not dropped off more than ten minutes before and not picked up later than ten minutes after the scheduled class time. We ask that students and caregivers be courteous and respectful of pick-up and drop-off times. Adeo and the host family cannot guarantee supervision outside the parameters of the set class time.


Please update emergency contacts and changes of phone numbers and addresses with the Adeo office.


Adeo complies with the Safe Environment Guidelines set by the Archdiocese of New York. For information on talking with your children about safety, visit the Archdiocese Safe Environment website at: Tips for Parents and review the Safe Environment Curriculum with your children.


Adeo with assist all volunteer teachers, host parents, and any adults involved in the class to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Background check form from the Archdiocese of New York;

  • Child safety online video training from the Archdiocese of New York;

  • Classes always require the presence of two adults (including the teacher); and

  • Teachers are not allowed to interact with the students outside of class by any means of communication (including but not limited to social media).


In the event of inclement weather, Adeo follows the independent schools’ closing practice.

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