Adeo prepares students to receive the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Sacramental preparation is a two-year program. Everything that Jesus did with his body while he lived on earth, he continues to do today through his sacraments and the Church. Preparing for First Communion and Confirmation is the summit of Adeo’s education in the faith.
Before receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist, first and second grade students prepare for the reception of this sacrament by learning about God’s infinite mercy and Jesus’ beautiful parables about love and forgiveness. Students also learn how to discern and examine their conscience, not only in preparation for the sacrament, but also as an essential tool for life. The sacrament of Penance is celebrated when the students are in second grade and is received individually through a priest. An Adeo representative is always present to guide and assist the students.
First and second grade students prepare to receive Jesus in Holy Communion every Spring. Teachers highlight that Jesus is truly present in the bread (host) with his body, soul, blood and divinity. This preparation includes understanding the different parts of the Mass, which allows students to be active participants.
Sixth and seventh grade students prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation by learning about the Holy Spirit – what the Spirit does, his Fruits, and his Gifts. During these two years, they are especially taught that they themselves are the Church and are encouraged to live their mission “to be salt of the earth and light of the world.” Students are required to attend a Confirmation retreat and the sacrament of Penance.
Service: Love in Action. As part of the Confirmation preparation, Adeo students participate in at least five hours of community service to help the needs of their neighbor.
Confirmation Retreat: “Lived Theology of the Saints.” Students are introduced to the life of a saint to awaken in them a desire for holiness by their living example. The retreat's objective is to communicate: Holiness is a message that convinces without words and a living reflection of the face of Christ.